Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Year New You- Oh how I hate this....

New Year New You…
Oh I hate this saying, I’ve been seeing it a lot lately and it really bothers me. WHY-you ask? Because it implies that you “need” something you don’t already have to be wonderful. I like “New Year Real You”…even though it doesn’t rhyme. Our society is constantly telling us how we NEED something NEW to BE better. And the truth is, we need the REAL you. The “you” that already fully exists underneath OLD ways of thinking, OLD habits, OLD ways of operating and showing up in the world. It is about uncovering our Brilliance- not obtaining it! What you need is to let the real you OUT… let it shine, dress it the way it deserves, treat it the way it deserves to be treated, honor yourself as you are…and you WILL see the light you already have within become brighter and stronger…more glorious than you ever imagined.

So as this NEW YEAR is upon us…What will you do to unleash, expose, reveal to the world the REAL YOU? How will you show up authentically?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Choose Peace

Choose Peace
So many times in my life I did not remember that I had this choice. I think that makes me human, as I know I’m not alone in this experience. But today I remembered. Today I stayed connected to my divinity and I remembered that peace is a state of Be-ing. It is how one can go about handling a difficult situation that allows one to….for lack of a better way to explain it…not make things worse.
Peace keeps things in perspective, it keeps your emotional state intact, and it requires a connectedness that is rooted in – what I call- the BIG picture.

I had a wonderful opportunity today – on 11-11-11 – at 5:55 this morning to choose peace within a chaotic and pitiful situation. It is now 7:55 and all is well. Best of all…I FEEL the peace, I feel the gratitude, I feel the connection to the BIG picture. I get to have an amazing day, all because I remembered to choose peace.

How often to you remember that peace is a choice? How will your life be different if you remembered that more often? How will you remind yourself that it IS your choice?

Saturday, July 9, 2011

you are a Lair!

How many times a day do you lie?

“What ever do you mean? I’m not a liar!” Oh yes you are!

The question is not whether you lie or not, it is how often and to what degree.
I lie. Just lied the other night….walking in old town to dinner with family and we were approached by a “petition person” who wanted our time and attention on a “very important subject”. As she asked for a moment of your time…I didn’t want to talk to her, felt a little resentful that “I can’t even walk around in my own town without someone soliciting you”. SO I I kept my pace. We don’t have time. In the past I’ve said...sorry I’m already late. I’m not interested. All of which are lies. The truth is that I wasn’t interested at that time (no matter the cause)…I get annoyed when I’m solicitation on the street corner, by phone, and especial at my front door. And the truth is I could have told her the truth!
I could have said: I appreciate your passion and commitment (truth) but I don’t like being solicited to no matter the cause (truth), so I wish you luck and have a great day. (Truth)

So you may be thinking…what’s’ the big deal. So you tell a few “white lies” … well this is why it’s a big deal:
Because inside…your subconscious knows you’re a liar. It does not distinguish between white lies or hurtful lies. (Hurtful lies hold extra energy: like being mean/angry/resentful/ect.) I’m just talking about lying. And so we do believe that we are liars and since we don’t like/respect/appreciate liars…it effects our self esteem. We start to reject the parts of ourselves that we “don’t like”… which causes self hatred in subtle and not so subtle ways.
SO I ask you: In what areas in your life…is lying easier than telling the truth? How many times a day or around certain issues do you lie to yourself? What parts of yourself have you rejected? Who have you rejected because they act out the parts of yourself that you have rejected?

Here’s another place I used to lie about all the time! “I’m going to go work out tomorrow”… then tomorrow comes and I say “well, I’m really busy today and I just don’t think I can fit it in”. Sound familiar? The other way that being a Liar shows up is….NOT keeping your Word! How many times do you not keep your word to yourself?

So for today...try this on. Tell the truth. And if you can’t tell the truth to someone (say they ask if you like there new haircut and you think it is truly hideous…and you don’t want to hurt their feelings) try saying “it’s really different from your last one…I really love that your open to change and trying something new. That’s awesome!!!!” and yes…they may realize that you don’t love it…and that is OK…They asked! Part of the cycle of being a society of that we lie to ourselves, we lie to others, and we expect to be lied to. All of the long run…erode our self esteem, disconnect ourselves to our Truth, and put our attention on being fake vs. being authentic.

The road to Authenticity…
Step one: admit you’re a liar. Step two: Start telling the truth….

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

am I a FROG?

Am I a FROG?
Today I ponder the metaphor of the frog in the boiling pot…you know the one. If you put a frog in a pot of cold water and put it on the stove, slowly heating the water. The frog gets use to the temperature gradually and never really notices how hot it is actually getting, until it’s too late...i.e.: cooks himself. Terrible story I know. I don’t like animal cruelty stories, but I don’t know of another one that gets my point across as much as this one does. So what I ponder is this:
What is your boiling point? Do you even know how much pain you are in? When was the last time to stopped, looked around, and noticed how uncomfortable things have become? What will it take to JUMP? Or will we ever?
Well…I like frogs, but I don’t want to be one, especially a cooked one. SO I’m jumping! There is something in my life that I have become “used to”. Recently I looked around and recognized that the pain was greater than I realized. Being Authentic in my life is HUGE for me. It is part of what drives me in all areas of my life….but one. It’s that one area that until recently served me well (TRUTH = I was good in warm water)…and now I’m quite aware that It’s become too hot…unbearable really. And I’ve got to jump...
So what about you? What area of life area you sitting in a pot of warm water? And what are you willing to do about it?

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

..for the love of...

It. What's your "it" ? What do you for the love of it? I have pets, sit on the screened in porch with a glass of wine, journal each morning, put my face towards the sun in the winter months to remind me of what I get to have again, plant seeds and bulbs and water them at dusk...

The things I do...for the love of who I am. In my best moments I am at peace, filled with a peaceful joy and fully content with life. I embrace what is, while tending to my future.
What Ive learned recently is how I'm most in love with my life when I'm fully in the present moment "while" tending to my future. That hit me last week when I was speaking at the Women's International Day Event in Denver...I was SO in the moment, connecting to those beautiful faces mirroring back to me the connection we had. I wasn't thinking about the future or the launch of my new speaking career, or any business this talk would get me. I was connecting to what I love...for the love of it...and in that moment, I was the best of me. And in the short week or so, it's like when I feel the dirt under my nails as I plant the bulbs, or the sun on my face while there is snow on the ground...More Wonderful things are coming up...around the corner...on its way.

So for the love of...whatever it is...Empower the possibilities of "it"...and witness what follows.

For "it" is a beautiful thing.

Monday, January 17, 2011

I'm Dying

As I lay awake...I keep thinking...I'm dying.

We all are.

From the day we are born, we are all moving towards death.

Now, I recognize how morbid that perspective may sound, but I'd like to focus on TRUTH... the capital T kind. Not my truth or your truth...but Truth!

And the Truth is: My death, as yours, is only a matter of when, not if.

Yet how many people do you know, act as if we have all the time in the world? How many people do you know, let hurt feelings, assumptions, judgments get in the way of a perfectly good relationship? And how many people do you know would treat "someone" differently if they "found out" they had a terminal illness? If you’re like me, you know many.

Personal perception does such a number on people. Stories, assumptions, misinterpretations, hurt feelings all play a big factor in how we choose to relate to one another. But would any of those things still matter if they knew that person would die soon?

Maybe, maybe not.

So as I sit here and embrace my mortality I wonder...what a world would look like where everyone knew..I mean really "knew" they were dying. Would the word, regret, vanish from our language? Would simple honesty replace assumptions? Would the saying" life's too short to..." actually is a way of life and not just a saying?

Just for one day, one week, one month....remembers the TRUTH and that the people in your life are dying.

And see what new possibilities of something changing arrive for you. Because as you know when you change your perception, things do change. That is what living the possibilities is all about.