Friday, November 11, 2011

Choose Peace

Choose Peace
So many times in my life I did not remember that I had this choice. I think that makes me human, as I know I’m not alone in this experience. But today I remembered. Today I stayed connected to my divinity and I remembered that peace is a state of Be-ing. It is how one can go about handling a difficult situation that allows one to….for lack of a better way to explain it…not make things worse.
Peace keeps things in perspective, it keeps your emotional state intact, and it requires a connectedness that is rooted in – what I call- the BIG picture.

I had a wonderful opportunity today – on 11-11-11 – at 5:55 this morning to choose peace within a chaotic and pitiful situation. It is now 7:55 and all is well. Best of all…I FEEL the peace, I feel the gratitude, I feel the connection to the BIG picture. I get to have an amazing day, all because I remembered to choose peace.

How often to you remember that peace is a choice? How will your life be different if you remembered that more often? How will you remind yourself that it IS your choice?