Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Year New You- Oh how I hate this....

New Year New You…
Oh I hate this saying, I’ve been seeing it a lot lately and it really bothers me. WHY-you ask? Because it implies that you “need” something you don’t already have to be wonderful. I like “New Year Real You”…even though it doesn’t rhyme. Our society is constantly telling us how we NEED something NEW to BE better. And the truth is, we need the REAL you. The “you” that already fully exists underneath OLD ways of thinking, OLD habits, OLD ways of operating and showing up in the world. It is about uncovering our Brilliance- not obtaining it! What you need is to let the real you OUT… let it shine, dress it the way it deserves, treat it the way it deserves to be treated, honor yourself as you are…and you WILL see the light you already have within become brighter and stronger…more glorious than you ever imagined.

So as this NEW YEAR is upon us…What will you do to unleash, expose, reveal to the world the REAL YOU? How will you show up authentically?